Monday, February 1, 2010

Mystery and Technology

Today I began reading Enterprise 2.0, and I found some fascinating ideas throughout the introduction. The author began the book with a brief survey and discussion of new technology like Facebook, Google, Oracle, Apple, RIM, Blackberries, iPhones, Java, and even Wikis. As he began discussing the growth of some of these areas, I realized how familiar I am with some of these interfaces. Interestingly enough, as familiar as I feel like I am, I really have no idea how these types of things work.

Innovation at companies like Google, Apple, and RIM must be consistently well-beyond what I consider "familiar." Take a few seconds and consider Google. The people (mostly everyone) that use google searches are diverse, and all have separate things that they are looking for, yet when they perform a google search they are all able to find exactly what they need. The google algorithm must be something incredible, because it is able to meet the needs of almost every internet user, within the few seconds it takes to load a page of results.

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