Saturday, January 30, 2010

Question 7

Compare Hallmark Cards' knowledge management strategy with Brighham & Women Hospital's. Discuss their similarities and differences. Also discuss why the differences.

Hallmark Cards' knowledge management strategy is very different than the knowledge management that took place at Brigham & Women Hospital. Hallmark deployed a strategy that helped them connect with their customers. Their purpose and focus was primarily in the innovation of new ideas, while the hospital's purpose and focus was a more of a tool to empower doctors with the knowledge they need to stay "on top of their game." While both of these systems placed extended emphasis on technology, the communities created at Hallmark seemed to be more people oriented than that at the hospital. I feel like this is true, because of the relationships formed between contributors of those communities. In both examples, the knowledge initiatives created opportunities and advantages within that company.

On the other hand, both companies' knowledge management initiatives had a focus on communication between diverse groups and effective transfer of knowledge as a resource. These companies both had to overcome obstacles in order to bring their prospective groups together.


  1. I found it interesting how although these two companies had two different approaches to acquiring and collecting knowledge, their overall intent was the same. They just wanted to provide for better communication and more effective availibility and transfer of knowledge.

  2. I agree that Hallmark wanted to connect with their clients, while Brigham wanted to organize better, and true they both depended on technology in their effort

  3. I agree that Hallmark's focus was in innovative ideas and was more people oriented whaereas B&W wanted to empower doctors to make them more efficient and were more technology driven. They both wanted to provide better communication
