Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Community of Believers

The concept of sharing knowledge to create value is also one that is clearly visible in a christian community. According to Brailsford, many things need to "move" in order to create value. Electrons must move to generate electricity, money most be moved to have value, and knowledge must be moved so it can become useful knowledge. In a community of Christ followers, the more efficiently knowledge is transferred within it's members, the more effective the entire church becomes.

The steps needed in order to create that element of transfer within the community of believers are also similar to those described in Hallmark's communities. The removal of boundaries is the first step mentioned. I would suggest that in our culture, people create barriers around things that they consider personal (religion, politics, or even music), in order to gain an feeling of protection. This type of isolated perspective is one of the central barriers that must be removed in order for the church community to create effective encouragement at the individual level.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, good things must get moved around to produce more value. Ideas and beliefs all work that way. The natural world also operates that way. Nothing in the physical world really stays stagnant. Electons, atoms, molecules... are but some examples.
